Bedding Plants 2020

by Graeme on April 5, 2020

It is with huge disappointment that we have made the very difficult decision to cancel our Bedding Plant sales this year. We have not made this decision lightly but as time has gone on it has become apparent that we will be unable to guarantee our usual quality service.

The social distancing restrictions mean that currently our grower who supplies the plants is unable to provide the orders we want – the nursery is closed and he cannot guarantee when it will reopen. Similarly, as a group we will be unable to collate orders and offer our delivery service because of these restrictions.

We are very grateful for all your help and support in preparation for May’s event this year: ‘folding night’, helping sections deliver forms around Hazel Grove and in promoting sales orders. Without you this huge undertaking is just not possible. We will treat this year as a ‘fallow’ year – a bit like Glastonbury(!) and instead, look forward to making Bedding Plants 2021 as successful as ever!

Thanks again for your ongoing support

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